Staff Senate Seeks Nominees

Be engaged in the Augsburg community by serving on Staff Senate. If you’d like to become a senator or nominate a colleague, send your candidate(s) names to by Thursday, April 13. Online elections will take place April 18 – May 2. Staff Senate is filling four elected Staff Senate positions this spring.

All nominees will be verified before being placed on the election ballot. An email will be sent to all Augsburg staff with a link to the online election survey on April 18. Staff will have until May 2 at 5pm to take the survey. Successful candidates will be notified thereafter.

Staff Senate Membership

Augsburg College Staff Senate (ACSS) is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term and two at-large members to be chosen, in every instance, by Staff Senate. All Staff Senate members have the option to serve a third year.

Election Procedures

Nomination and Voting Rights: Nominations are collected through e-mail and ballots are gathered from all staff through an online survey (staff eligible to vote are all regular full- and part-time staff, not including union, temporary staff, MMeep, MCC, or other agency groups). Staff Senate members are eligible to vote. Composition of Staff Senate: It is recommended that members be at least .75 FTE, regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.